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Cover of substandard shoes

Group : NewsDate : 1399/05/04Source : افزار کالا

Hereby informs all customers that the use of Iranian shoe covers in automatic devices will cause jaw failure and loss of the machine motor, so devices that have used poor covers, their warranty is void and the company from any service and repairs of the above devices Will refuse.

Note Note: Due to the quality and poor quality of the cover that causes the jaw and motor of the shoe cover to break, so the use of this type of cover is not recommended at all and also how to recognize Iranian covers that are imported and offered as covers. It is also offered at a lower price and to encourage consumers to consume,

The type of cache used, which is called money cache in Iranian cover, is used in it, but in imported covers, the special cache is made of natural latex, and also the type of cover arrangement is very regular in imports (automatically and with the machine). ) But in Iranian covers, because the arrangement is done manually, it is irregular and causes the device to not work properly and often the devices break down.

Also, the import of covers requires the submission of a customs green sheet and the necessary permits of the Ministry of Health, and this issue can be inquired from the site

Cover of substandard shoes